Saturday 27 June 2015

Ownership and Funding Blog Post

Explain and give examples of all of the following terms:
Ownership Concepts:
  • Public Service Broadcasting (PSB)
  • PSB refers to TV shows that are publically broadcast for the benefit of the broadcast, rather than for commercial purposes only. These shows include art programmes, religious broadcasts and local news coverage.

  • Commercial Broadcasting
    Commercial Broadcasting also known as private broadcasting, is the broadcasting of TV programs and radio programming by corporate media (owned privately), as opposed to state sponsorship. 

  • Corporate and Private Ownership
    Private ownership is something owned by the private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body.

  • Global Companies
    Global companies hasn't yet had a standard definition, however the informal definition is one that operates in more than one country. 

  • Vertical Integration (owning stuff in different sectors)
    Vertical integration is a combination in a single firm of two or more stages of production, normally operated by separate firms. 

  • Horizontal Integration / monopolisation
    Horizonatal intergration occurs when a merger between two firms, who are in the same industry, operating at the same stage of production. For example, if The Guardian and The Sun merged would be classed as a Horizontal Intergration.

    Funding Types:

  • The Licence Fee
    The Licence fee, where an amount of money which was paid by an individual or a business to a government agency for the privilege of performing a particular service or engaging in a precise line of business. 

  • Subscription

    Subscription is where you have arranged to recieve something such as, a publication, often paid in advance. 

  • One-off payment to own product

    One off payment to own product, is where you pay before recieving your product/ buying your product; therefore not having to pay monthly, or so on. For example, when you buy products in shop or order online.

  • Pay per View

    Pay per view is where a TV service where viewers are required to pay a fee, in order to watch a specific programme.

  • Sponsorship

    Sponsorship is where a business (big or small) receives financial support for said product/ business.

  • Advertising

    Advertising is the activity/ profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services.

  • Product Placement

    Product placement is where products gain exposure in featured films/ TV shows/ music videos, this is paid for by the manufacturers of said goods.

  • Private Capital

    Capitalizing a business usually involves a combination of the owner's personal cash infusion, borrowed funds and investments by outside parties in exchange for an ownership percentage, known as equity.

  • Crowd-funding

    Crowd-funding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet much like Kickstarter.

  • Development Funds

    Development funds is a method of giving funds to different companies, usually companies that are 
    affiliated with the company offering funds.


  1. Hi Charlie,

    Please include relevant images throughout this post.

    -Please extend each description for every point. Also add examples for each one. This should be paragraphs NOT sentences.

    -For each one explain how your example is relevant.

    -Check the formatting. Fonts seem to change size throughout.


  2. I cant add images, nor can i add videos.

  3. I cant add images, nor can i add videos.
