Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Induction continuity sequence

We had to work in a group to film an exchange of  a package between two people, we had to capture the emotions between the two and also film it in a 180 degrees to not mess up the film.
We used different angles and shots to help intensify the clips, shots like low angle, over the shoulder, long shot, close up and more.

We also used a tripod to steady the camera, However we used handheld more to follow the actors around with shots like over the shoulder or long shot, to give off a more documentary feel to the film

In the opening of the video we used an establishing shot, on the tripod to set the whole scene. We then used a low/ wide shot as the actor came towards the camera, we continued with the wide shot as she stopped outside of the door, she then waited to give more suspense to it. Then a match on action as she walked through the door, then a long shot as the actor walked closer to the camera to show the intimidation of the actor. Then a close up, medium shot, over the shoulder (twice) to capture both sides so the viewers get the feel from both actors sides, low shot of their feet which then matches with the shot of them walking away (twice) and over the shoulder once again as they retreat, this implies the fear of the interaction.
We used a low shot, over the shoulder , close up, extreme close up of him smirking victoriously as it reveals his happiness of the situation during the end. We refrained from showing what was in the package to intensify the film and give it more suspense.

There was no sufficient lighting we used, just natural light to support the realism of the film. We removed the natural sound and replaced it with music, to help with the film.

 The continuity system of the shots worked fairly well as we followed the characters from scene to scene, using the 180 degree rule when using the over the shoulder shot and the swapping of the package. We stuck to the plan fairly well and didn't make any drastic changes to the shots or the scenes.

I think that the beginning shots and the ending shots worked very well, However i would change the aspect and plot of the clips as it is not very interesting and quite boring. I would make it maybe more humorous or more thrilling as this is dull and doesn't work very well. Overall the planning was followed to a T although i was not very involved in the film; i filmed two shots, i do believe overall its a decent short for a first time. The plot isn't interesting because it has no real substance, nothing that makes it stand out or intrigues people.

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